Thriller w/ tinges of horror: UNSANE scores a solid B.

The movie, available on Prime live streaming, was described as a movie about a girl who gets thrown into a mental institution for no reason. I begin viewing with the expectation that the main character will be crazy and the movie will be typical. Well, that was dead wrong! This movie was anything but typical. UNSANE managed to walk the viewer through a desperate and rage full story of a woman caught by … paperwork… In 2018 the ever growing climate of distrust effects and colors everything that we do. Movie watching is no different. Insurance fraud, slimey doctors, boys club attitudes, and personal assault are just some of the real and major issues that face all of us today and are deeply and freakishly considered in this film. Therefore, I deem to include UNSANE in my hall of wicked DAY MOVIES- for the day movie watcher! Let me know how much you love it. Xoxo.

I give this movie 6/10 for day movie watching!

Watching always,

The Day Watcher